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AAHS Final Call for Nominations

04/14/2021 09:44 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society welcomes nominations for three annual awards (see descriptions).  Nomination letters, and Curriculum Vitae (if appropriate), should be emailed to Ron Towner ( no later than May 1, 2021.  Awardees will be selected by the Awards Committee and approved by the AAHS Board of Directors. Awards will be presented at the Pecos Conference in August.  

Byron Cummings Award  

The Byron Cummings Award is given in honor of Byron Cummings, the principal professional founder of the Society, the first head of the University of Arizona’s Department of Archaeology (later Anthropology) and the first Director of the Arizona State Museum. The Byron Cummings Award is given annually for outstanding research and contributions to knowledge in anthropology, history, or a related field of study or research pertaining to the southwestern United States or northwest Mexico.  

Victor R. Stoner Award  

The Victor R. Stoner Award is given in honor of Reverend Stoner, a strong avocational historian, supporter of the Society and one of the founders of Kiva. The Victor R. Stoner Award is given annually for outstanding contributions in leadership or participation in the Society; fostering historic preservation; or bringing anthropology, history or a related discipline to the public.   

Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. Unsung Heroes Award  

The newly designated Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. Award is given in honor of Dr. Lindsay, a long-time southwestern archaeologist, AAHS member and Officer. The LUHA is given annually as a lifetime service award to those individuals whose tireless work behind-the-scenes has often gone unrecognized, but which is often critical to the success of others’ research, projects, and publications. These may be field personnel, lab managers, archivists, cooks, analysts, and others.   

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