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Journal of Arizona Archaeology

The Journal of Arizona Archaeology is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the presentation of emerging ideas, new methods, and current research in Arizona archaeology. It endeavors to be a forum for the scholarly, yet simple communication of research and management related to Arizona's archaeological record. The journal is published twice a year by the Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC) in both electronic and paper formats. At least one issue per year is devoted to the theme of the AAC annual fall conference.  The remaining issues of the journal are intended for open submissions. Invited guest editors assist with the compilation of each issue.


The spring 2023 issue (Volume 10 Number 2) of the Journal of Arizona Archaeology is available on the AAC website for members and can be found in the members-only section here. Subscribers to the hard copy edition will also receive their paper issues in the mail. 

Editorial Staff of the Journal of Arizona Archaeology

General Editor

Managing Editor

Copy Editor

Book Review Editor

Editorial Panel

Mark Chenault

Sara Thaxton

Patricia Davenport

Jay Franklin

J. Simon Bruder

Christopher P. Garraty

Dennis Gilpin

Alanna Ossa

Matt Peeples

Doug Mitchell

Laurene Montero


The Journal is one benefit of membership in the AAC. Individual membership for various levels can be found on the Membership Page.  All membership levels include a subscription to the electronic issue of the Journal. The hard copy (paper) membership level is the only level that includes a hard copy version of Issue published during that membership year.  Membership must be paid in full in order to receive regular copies of the Journal of Arizona Archaeology. For inquiries about the Journal or to report a lost/damaged issue please send an e-mail to Members and non-members can purchase additional paper copies of the Journal for $15 per issue, which includes postage and handling, from the online store. Non-members can purchase an electronic issue of the Journal for $5 per issue from the store. Electronic versions of issues from previous years are now available for free below.

Instructions for Authors

The format of all submitted papers should correspond to the SAA style guide, revised July 2021. All manuscripts must be submitted as a MS Word document. All review (editorial and peer review) will be conducted electronically. Authors should be familiar with the "track changes" and "comments" functions of MS Word. Authors are encouraged to contact the editor with questions regarding the content or formatting of their manuscripts prior to submitting their papers. Authors should anticipate two to three months for review of their manuscripts. The editor will review each paper prior to peer review to determine if the manuscript meets content and formatting guidelines. If the paper meets these preliminary guidelines, the editor will send the manuscript out for peer review. The editor makes the final decision to accept a manuscript on the basis of his review as well as those of the peer referees. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors must submit images in at least 300 dpi. All permissions for photographs and figures are the responsibility of the author and must be obtained prior to publication.

For submissions and inquiries, please email the managing editor:

Past Issues

In December 2018, the Board voted to make issues of the journal from previous years open to the public. Non-members can download electronic issues from previous years below. Membership is still required to access the current year's issues.

Volume 1 - Number 1 - Fall 2010

Advances in Hohokam Archaeology 

Volume 1 - Number 2 - Spring 2011

Advances in Hohokam Archaeology (contd.)

Volume 2 - Number 1 - Spring 2012

The Application of Archaeological Sciences in Arizona

Volume 2 - Number 2 - Spring 2013

From Without and Within: Long-Distance Interaction, Culture Change, and Culture Contact in Arizona

Volume 3 - Numbers 1 and 2 - Fall 2015

Archaeology of the Verde Valley, Central Arizona

Volume 4 - Number 1 Fall 2016

Celebrating 50 Years of the National Historic Preservation Act in Arizona

Volume 4 - Number 2 Spring 2017

Projectile Point Analysis in the American Southwest

Volume 5 - Number 1 Fall 2017

Momentum: Recent Research into the Archaeology of the Perry Mesa Region 

Volume 5 - Number 2 Spring 2018

Volume 6 - Number 1 Fall 2018

Volume 6 - Number 2 Spring 2019

Occupation of the Hinterlands

Volume 7 - Number 1 Fall 2019

Recent research in Commodities Production and Exchange, and Settlement Studies

Volume 7 - Number 2 Spring 2020

Volume 8 - Number 1 Fall 2020

Volume 8 - Number 2 Spring 2021

Volume 9 - Number 1 Fall 2021

Volume 9 - Number 2 Spring 2023

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