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AAC News

Check in here for recent AAC news. members feel free to comment. Please contact if you have a news post that you would like to submit.

  • 03/27/2017 16:12 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    There will be a presentation on Tuesday, April 11th at 7pm at the Pueblo Grande Museum by Scott Wood entitled "The AAS Excavation Project at Goat Camp Ruin in Payson".  See details in the flyer below

    Goat Camp April 2017 Flyer.pdf

  • 03/27/2017 13:09 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    HDR has two job postings for applicants out of their Phoenix office. They are for Cultural Resource Specialist 1 and 2. See the attached documents for details.



  • 03/16/2017 09:55 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRP-MIC) have developed the Government-to-Government Consultation Toolkit (G2G Toolkit), which has been designed to facilitate the consultation process for and among Tribes and State and Federal agencies meeting the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act or State Historic Preservation Act, as well as other state and federal statutes. The G2G Toolkit contains agency and Tribal contact information, consultation protocol, Tribal claims maps, and quick links to Tribal and Agency pages for additional information. Click on underlined words for links to additional information.

    The G2G Toolkit was developed by SHPO and SRP-MIC with assistance from the Google Earth Outreach Trainer Network and SWCA Environmental Consultants. Funding was provided by a Cultural Resource Fund (CRF) grant administered by the Mica Group and awarded to SHPO. The CRF was established by the Federal Communications Commission to mitigate positive train control noncompliance by seven railroads.

    Additional technical assistance was provided during a Google training workshop with staff from the Department of Transportation, State Land Department, Game and Fish Department, Department of Forestry and Fire Management, and State Parks; and by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

    The toolkit can be found at the following link:

  • 03/13/2017 21:24 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    AZTEC Engineering is looking to hire for several open positions for their Phoenix, AZ office. These are Archaeologist, Field Supervisor, and Principal Investigator. Please see the attached sheets for details, requirements and duties, and contact information. Good luck!

    Archaeologist 2017-03-13.pdf

    Field Supervisor 2017-03-13.pdf

    Principal Investigator 2017-03-13.pdf

  • 03/12/2017 20:08 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Members of the Arizona Archaeological Council,

    attached is a letter drafted by the Board of Directors to the Arizona State Museum in response to their proposed service fee increase.

    AAC Board Response to ASM Proposed Fee Increase.pdf

  • 03/12/2017 10:31 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Just a friendly reminder that this Saturday, March 18th at 9am-4pm there is a Section 106 and CRM Career Training Workshop hosted by the AAC at POWERS Engineers, Inc. Please see the attached flier below for more details.

    Section 106 and CRM Workshop.pdf

  • 03/10/2017 13:18 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The BLM Monticello Field Office (MFO) received funding in 2016 for a literature review of associated tribe’s cultural connections to the MFO. We are pleased to announce that this project has been awarded to Living Heritage Anthropology LLC. The MFO currently manages much of the greater Cedar Mesa area in Southeast Utah. The goal of this study will be to inform BLM officials of how Native American tribes are connected to the MFO and how they have utilized the range of ethnographic resources found within this complex landscape. This information will aid the BLM MFO in appropriately managing and interpreting this area, as well as serving as a basis for deepening relationships with associated tribes. We are asking members of the Arizona Archaeological Council for their assistance in sharing any relevant ethnographic or ethnohistoric sources to assist with this literature review. Please contact Jessica Yaquinto, Living Heritage Anthropology, by phone (970-335-9092) or email ( Thank you in advance. We look forward to collaborating with you on this important project.

  • 03/10/2017 13:08 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Dear Friend of Preservation,

    Each year the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission (T-PCHC) makes awards to those people and organizations that help to foster awareness and preservation of historic sites, structures, districts, and character in Tucson and Pima County.  We invite you to nominate worthwhile people and projects for awards in three categories:

    • The Alene Dunlap Smith and Paul Smith Award to those who have demonstrated a high level of dedication and long-term commitment toward historic preservation.
    • The Historic Preservation Award to those whose contributions to preservation have had a significant impact at the community level.
    • The Heritage Award to those who have volunteered time and effort on local history or preservation projects, undertaken rehabilitation of their own historic property, or successfully completed a National Register nomination of their own building.

    To learn about the 2017 T-PCHC awards program and to download a nomination form, please visit the T-PCHC webpage at:

    The deadline for all 2017 nominations is Friday March 31, 2017, at noon, and the awards ceremony will be held on the morning of Saturday, May 13, 2017, at the Scottish Rite Temple, 160 South Scott Avenue in downtown Tucson.  

  • 03/05/2017 08:18 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The New Mexico Department of Transportation Environmental Bureau has posted a job announcement for an Environmental Specialist-Advanced (ES-A)(posting #18864).  Job listing and application details can be found on the NM State Personnel Office website  This is a range 75 position with a likely mid-point starting salary.  The selected candidate will be primarily responsible for the review of cultural and natural resource documentation in order to environmentally certify contractor located activities such as borrow pits, equipment yards, and other construction related facilities.   The review and certification emphasis of this position is cultural and natural resource related and members of both professions are welcome to apply.  Importantly, NMDOT cultural and natural resource staff work together as a team and provide technical support to each other during the project development review and certification process.


    The listed qualifications for the ES-A position are quite broad due to the multi-disciplinary nature of studies required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which focus on proposed project effects to humans and human interaction with the environment.  Cultural resource documentation is a major component of the NEPA process and many cultural resource professionals have direct or indirect experience and training related to NEPA.  If you have contributed to or reviewed NEPA documents you likely have NEPA experience.  You may also have on the job training related to the NEPA process that seeks to integrate many environmental disciplines toward the review and evaluation of a proposed project’s impacts to the human and natural environment. If you have a degree in anthropology, historic architecture, cultural resource management, or related field and consider yourself working in the world of “environmental science” please consider applying. 


    The position closes on 3/12/17.


    You can contact me at the number below or Steve Lakatos, NMDOT Cultural Resources Supervisor, at 505-827-5513 with any questions.              

    Blake Roxlau

    NMDOT Environmental Bureau Mgr.



  • 03/01/2017 17:20 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Society's Phoenix Chapter is hosting a lecture by Todd W. Bostwick, Verde Valley Archaeology Center on "The Megalithic Temples and Tombs of Malta: Early Religion and Ritual on the Mediterranean, 3,600-2,500 BC". The event will be in the Pueblo Grande Museum Community Room on Tuesday, March 14th at 7pm. Attendance is free and open to the public. See details in the flyer attached!

    Bostwick Lecture Flyer.pdf

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