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AAC News

Check in here for recent AAC news. members, feel free to comment! Please contact if you have a news post that you would like to submit.

  • 08/26/2021 09:40 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding a special meeting on August 27th, 2021 to go over a proposal to modify the bylaws to clarify the role and procedure for the Editor of the Journal position. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    AAC Special Meeting Agenda - bylaws amendment proposal.pdf

    Current members of the AAC are invited to attend this ZOOM virtual meeting.

    Meeting details can be found at the bottom of the proposal. 

  • 08/18/2021 21:38 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS) is pleased to announce the 2021 competitive subvention award program for AAHS members. The purpose of this program is to provide money in support of the first publication of digital or print books or Kiva journal articles that further AAHS’s mission. Many sources of grant funding do not support publication costs. Through this program, AAHS can provide occasional funding to prevent this barrier to the sharing of research results. This year, awards up to $5,000 will be considered.

    Please see the attached flyer for more information on the award criteria. Please share with your authors for whom this might be applicable.

    AAHS Subvention advertisment 2021 final.pdf

    Questions and application submissions applications should be emailed to Sarah Herr at

  • 08/17/2021 09:07 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding its next board meeting on August 20th, 2021. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2021 August AAC Meeting Agenda.pdf

    Current members of the AAC are invited to attend this ZOOM virtual meeting.

    Meeting details can be found at the top of the Agenda. 

  • 08/03/2021 20:44 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Although the Governor's Archaeology Advisory Commission (GAAC) awards are no more, the SHPO is very much wanting to recognize and honor the people, organizations and projects that honor Arizona's rich archaeological heritage.

    Please see this link for the Governor's Heritage Honor Awards nomination form. Although the deadline to submit is 8/2, any applications for archaeological projects submitted within the NEXT TWO WEEKS will be included for consideration.

    Questions? Feel free to email

  • 06/17/2021 12:04 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Due to popular inquiry, the AAC has now created a way for individuals and companies to be able to pay online for advertisements in the JAzA.  A "product" for these advertisements has been created in the AAC online store  ( Once payment has been processed, further instructions will be emailed to the address entered.  

  • 06/04/2021 10:07 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The AAC has set up a mobile application for AAC members. The Wild Apricot member app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, or from the Apple iOS App Store. Once downloaded, log in with your AAC account credentials. The mobile app allows you to:

    • Renew their membership
    • View and update your member profile
    • View and email fellow members
    • View a calendar of upcoming events and events to your device calendar
    • View/Register/Cancel for events and pay any registration fees

  • 05/21/2021 14:50 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Want to support research at PGM? They are offering discounted publications - proceeds benefit the City Archaeology Office and their research publications.

    Ever wonder about Hole-in-the-Rock? You can learn about its history in Papago Park: A History of Hole-in-The-Rock from 1848 to 1995. On sale through the City Archaeology Office for $10 (cash/check). Email to purchase your copy

  • 05/04/2021 11:03 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Please Join the AAC for a Zoom-based virtual happy hour on Friday May 21st at 4:00pm MST. We will have an open discussion on how people are currently doing and what they are working on, and we will throw in some fun 90s trivia. BYOB.

    Join Zoom Meeting

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    Meeting ID: 851 9369 7785

    Passcode: 103634

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  • 04/19/2021 13:55 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding its next board meeting on April 23rd, 2021. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2021 April AAC Meeting Agenda.pdf

    Current members of the AAC are invited to attend this ZOOM virtual meeting.

    Meeting details can be found at the top of the Agenda. 

  • 04/14/2021 09:44 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society welcomes nominations for three annual awards (see descriptions).  Nomination letters, and Curriculum Vitae (if appropriate), should be emailed to Ron Towner ( no later than May 1, 2021.  Awardees will be selected by the Awards Committee and approved by the AAHS Board of Directors. Awards will be presented at the Pecos Conference in August.  

    Byron Cummings Award  

    The Byron Cummings Award is given in honor of Byron Cummings, the principal professional founder of the Society, the first head of the University of Arizona’s Department of Archaeology (later Anthropology) and the first Director of the Arizona State Museum. The Byron Cummings Award is given annually for outstanding research and contributions to knowledge in anthropology, history, or a related field of study or research pertaining to the southwestern United States or northwest Mexico.  

    Victor R. Stoner Award  

    The Victor R. Stoner Award is given in honor of Reverend Stoner, a strong avocational historian, supporter of the Society and one of the founders of Kiva. The Victor R. Stoner Award is given annually for outstanding contributions in leadership or participation in the Society; fostering historic preservation; or bringing anthropology, history or a related discipline to the public.   

    Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. Unsung Heroes Award  

    The newly designated Alexander J. Lindsay, Jr. Award is given in honor of Dr. Lindsay, a long-time southwestern archaeologist, AAHS member and Officer. The LUHA is given annually as a lifetime service award to those individuals whose tireless work behind-the-scenes has often gone unrecognized, but which is often critical to the success of others’ research, projects, and publications. These may be field personnel, lab managers, archivists, cooks, analysts, and others.   

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